Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Apartment and New Cat

So quite a few changes have happened around here lately. We moved into a new apartment in a different part of town. It's not real far from where we were, but there is more stuff going on in the neighborhood and Jose likes it a lot better. I'm glad that we no longer live next to the psychotic neighbor we had. I think he was a pathological liar. He told some of the craziest stories and I can't believe he actually expected people to believe him. But anyway, I hope we never have to see him again.

I haven't taken any pictures of the new place yet. It's quite a bit bigger and better maintained than the last place. But we still need to get a couch and something for the TV. Then I'll post pictures.

I also finally went in for the interview for the Sentri Pass. I guess I failed, because they denied me one. Which is pretty disappointing because it means that my border wait is going to be long for the rest of the time that I live here. So I'm currently trying to find a place to stay in San Diego a couple nights a week. Having to cross the border only 3 days a week sounds a lot better than 5 days. I don't want to do it too much because the whole reason I'm here is to be with Jose. Might kinda defeat the purpose if I'm living in San Diego full time.

We also adopted a new cat!  I think we're sticking with the name Benny. He's a cat after Jose's own heart because he loves to sleep. And I don't think I've ever seen a cat look so comfortable when he sleeps as this cat does. I'll wake up in the morning and he will have put his head on my shoulder with his body stretched out next to mine. It's really cute. He's approximately 6 months old. I've found that kittens lose a little bit of their cuddly-ness as they get older. Hopefully he won't lose too much.

Perla and Addison haven't warmed up to him too much yet. Perla probably never will. Addison was really aggressive at first, stalking him and trying to corner him so that she could growl and hiss at him. Then she moved on to swatting at him to see if he would do it back. Now she's back to just stalking and watching him. She's not nearly as aggressive anymore. I think she maybe just wants to play, but Benny growls at her now.  I think she's got all his defenses up and he isn't ready to trust her yet. I noticed one of her eyes today is watery and won't open all the way. I'm wondering if maybe he got her with one of his claws. Hopefully it's not anything more serious than that.  Here are some more pictures of Benny. The first one was on his first night here when Jose finally got him out from under the bed.

Unfortunately, he may be taking Perla's place next to Jose while he sleeps. These pictures were taken last month.