Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Last weekend, Jose and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. The past year seems to have gone by fast, but it also seems like so long ago that we got married. It's weird how time can do that.

We didn't really have any big plans for our anniversary. We decided not to do any gifts. When I brought it up to Jose, I'm pretty sure that was the first he had even thought about it. And I had just started my job, so I didn't really have time to get him anything. So it worked out.

We went to a nearby restaurant for a late lunch. I had the flautas. Then Jose and I went to a movie. There are 3 movie theaters really close to where we live. We went to the theater that is located in the Macroplaza, the outdoor mall that has the Wal-Mart. The movie was really inexpensive compared to Chicago movie prices. Each ticket was 57 pesos, about $5, and we got a large popcorn for 41 pesos, about $3.50. True to form, I snuck in two cans of Dr. Pepper for us.

We saw the move The Green Lantern. We should have checked reviews before we went. It wasn't good. It was entertaining, I guess. But there wasn't much substance to the movie and I wouldn't recommend it.

After the movie, we walked around the mall a little bit. I bought a new hat. I'll have to take a picture of it. There was a clown that was getting ready to perform. We didn't actually stay because the sun was going down and I was getting cold. But before his performance began, the clown was blowing up balloons and shooting them up into the air. The kids were running around like maniacs trying to catch them. There were several men and women that were also trying to catch them. They had an unfair height advantage.

We also happened by this jewelry store. I was really excited to find it. Some of you already know that I would like to eventually start a jewelry business. Of course, I need to learn how to make jewelry first. This is one of those stores that sells beads and other supplies to make your own jewelry. And they give lessons too. In Chicago, it costs $25 on the low end to take a jewelry class. Of course, that includes the materials. This place charges only $2.50 for the class. You have to buy your own supplies, but I have a feeling I'll still come out ahead. Stay tuned for more on this.

As I said, we didn't do any thing big or exciting for our anniversary. It was just fun to be together.

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